
This category includes emissions from the transportation of employees between their homes and their worksites. Emissions from employee commuting may arise from:

  • Automobile travel

  • Bus travel

  • Rail travel

  • Air travel

  • Other modes of transportation (e.g., subway, bicycling, walking).

  • Companies may include emissions from teleworking (i.e., employees working remotely) in this category.

Walking bicycling does not create any emission, during the commuting.

Companies may use one of the following methods:

Fuel Based Method

Fuel based method involves determining the amount of fuel consumed during commuting and applying the appropriate emission factor for that fuel.

Distance-based method

Distance-based method, which involves collecting data from employees on commuting patterns (e.g., distance travelled and mode used for commuting) and applying appropriate emission factors for the modes used

Average Data Method

Average-data method, which involves estimating emissions from employee commuting based on average (e.g., national) data on commuting patterns.

CarbonZE uses distance based method with average emission factors of the national or global mixes.

Commuting Module Add Data

This module requires to enter data for each month, due to the variation of the number of people commuting.

Last updated